100 Articles!

By Denny on Fri 24 Aug 2001 at 19:08

Thankyou to ophelia for posting the 100th article since this site opened a year and three months ago!! Equally, thankyou to everyone who contributed any article or articles in those one hundred. Without you, this site would not and could not exist - the site is what you make of it, and I think you make it pretty bloody amazing :)

If ophelia would like to get in touch, she wins a bottle of wine of her choice for hitting the post button on the right day! (Don't get too extravagent on me, no sponsors or adverts on this site remember!!)

Email <100@ukfetish.info> ophelia, and I'll buy you a bottle to make up for the expensive water at The Bridge :)

To celebrate the fact that we're still here and doing well (100 articles, over 250 registered users and more than 100 different people reading the site every day) I've started to write an entirely new bunch of code for the site... it's about halfway done now, so you'll probably see it in another month or so. The site will remain similar in appearance, but there will be some nice little extra features that should make it easier to use...

Thankyou all once more for your contributions, comments, and for reading the site... your support makes the time and money I put into ukfetish.info worth every minute and every penny.


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