Bristol Fetish Emporium

By MsDemmie on Mon 10 Sep 2001 at 20:17

Last Saturday saw us being chauffeured (due to broken car) to the first ever Bristol Fetish Emporium, being held at the Rotunda in Kingswood.

The venue is good, and has a lot of potential. The BFE is held on the top floor of a large building built on the corner of two streets. There was a large circular bar area, with the fair itself leading off from one entrance, with an adjacent play/display/workshop area alongside. I understand bar prices were reasonable (whatever that means). The bar provided an excellent social area to complement the fair.

Regrettably the caterers had let the organisers down, and we were tempted by the smell of frying chips and other tempting smells from the kitchens below. Unfortunately the kitchen for the bars downstairs was not geared up to cope with any overspill from our event, so eating there was not an option. It was torture sitting their smelling their food ....... in the end we sent out for sandwiches.

We unfortunately missed the pony play demonstration, but heard excellent reports. We did witness Alex of Cobra whips demonstration of 'The Art of the Single Tail'. Alex covered whip construction, origin, safety and techniques. He was ably assisted throughout his main talk by two female volunteers. He then started on volunteers from the audience, all hungry to taste the kiss of the whip.

The stalls were a good mix of the expected and unexpected. There was an interesting cross over into gothic/new age with a couple of stalls selling jewellery, blades, crystal balls, incense. There was a choice of stalls offering floggers and restraints, and toys. New Moon were there with a 'new age' range, including some spectacular blades, and wonderful earrings.

Dark Sensations were there with their excellent dual range, one of leather, one in rubber. I was particularly interested in the rubber range, as rubber allows us to provide a sample bondage kit for newcomers in the dungeon , which can be easily cleaned after use. We put together a starter kit of rubber collar and cuffs, and flogger, which can be easily wiped down after use and stored ready for the next person. As luck would have it , the last couple had a rubber fetish as well, so they were in heaven. I also have a heavy rubber flogger for my use. I find the extra sting from the rubber gives an added dimension to our play. It enables me to push further during a flogging, and save me arm work ...... even the rubber floggers are lighter than my heavy american ones. The rubber kit is also very useful in workshop/demonstration situations, again the ease of cleaning makes them ideal.

Sensual Sting & Thud were also at Bristol. Their range of toys from the maribou 'plume' to the lexan canes mark a departure from the traditional BDSM toys. Paws and Claws, a faux fur mit (in a myriad of colours) hides stainless steel claws which with a flex turn the paw into a claw. Great for sensual play, a wonderful nervous beginners' toy, and an excellent toy for those starting sexual exploration. They also have ostrich plumes, for tickle and tease, church and cathederal candles, and an interesting line in acrylic canes called 'lexans'. These vary from the small and whippy to downright THUD.

Aychee were there with their excellent range of bondage tape, and liquid latex. Richard Larsen was there with his silver jewellery ....... sighs .......... why do I always like the most expensive things ? Other stalls sold erotic prints, tattoo sessions, as well as clothing. Nice to see SM Pride out and about too.

All in all this has the potential to become and excellent event. The location is good, the mix of stalls excellent. The lack of food was very frustrating, maybe we should have a sandwich stall next time ?

However one thing did strike me, was the orientation of those attending. I would say was almost 95% hetrosexual. I know from the other fairs around the country that the BFE will need the support of the gay and lesbian communities as well if it is going to become well established and sucessful.

So, to the organisers a thank you, a please sort out the catering, and good luck with the next one.

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