An Anniversary Message

By LadyLinda and elliott on Tue 26 Mar 2002 at 06:10

Once upon a time (actually its a little over six years ago) an eager young prince (you have to imagine here, cos i'm talking about myself) living in this green and pleasant land, this sceptred isle of ours (that's the good old UK) met a wicked, cruel and despicably evil Mistress (that would be LadyLinda). At the time the wicked, evil Queen (that would be LadyLinda again) was living in a faraway castle (which was located 5000 miles away in Rhode Island, in the good old US of A) tending to her stable of slaves in her dark dungeon of despair (she did have a basement that i remember 'hanging around' in when i went to visit her castle). This online meeting was to change their lives forever.

In some ways it seems like yesterday. When i think about it in other ways and about the tough times we have been through together, through illnesses (my mum's stroke) and losing parents (both of Linda's and my father) and the stresses of life and my job in particular, it seems like we have packed a lifetime into those years.

Tomorrow (on the 26th of March, 2002) we celebrate five years of marriage as man and wife, Mistress and slave. Our online relationship was incredibly intense, and we have in many ways been able to translate that into real life. Other things are, of course, very different. I didn't know, for instance, that she had a lifelong aversion to putting the cap on the toothpaste .

That said, i love her more today than i have ever done.

LadyLinda, Mistress of my heart, i just want to say publicly how incredibly proud i am to be yours. Happy Anniversary!


owned and loved by LadyLinda

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