Book now for BiCon 2002

By Ciphergoth on Sun 23 Jun 2002 at 17:32

BiCon is the UK National Bisexual Convention, a fun long weekend for discussion of things somewhat related to bisexuality, sex and sexuality and for partying with like-minded people. BiCon is a convention for all bisexuals, their partners and friends to discuss, celebrate, analyse and be confused and entertained by bisexuality in all its colourful forms.

BiCon is a friendly and diverse event run by volunteers, where newcomers are always made welcome. The exact programme varies from year to year depending on what our volunteers offer, but we can promise that the weekend will include discussions, workshops, parties, outings, videos, activism, stalls, making friends and generally enjoying ourselves.

BiCon 2002 will run over three days between 16th and 18th August in a leafy residential venue near the centre of Leicester. Registration and accommodation are priced on a sliding scale; accommodation must be booked early. We are expecting around two hundred people from all over the UK and beyond so get the full details on the website and come and join us!

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