Samhain Sabbat and Esoterotica Exhibition

By Anonymous on Sun 13 Oct 2002 at 16:02

Winter encroaches slowly and the veils thin... as Samhain approaches and October's syzygy moon swells to fullness, join us on the 18th for a special celebration. London's Dionysian Underground Grapevine and The Art Organisation, in collaboration with Australia's Metamorphic Ritual Theatre Company present a night of orgiastic communion with the Spirit Worlds - the Wild Hunt Bacchanalia, a traditional Samhain Sabbat adapted to today's technological context.

The eve's entertainment begins at 8 with the Opening of Orryelle's Esoterotica Art Exhibition, featuring hir drawings, photographs and sculptural installations; and also a small collection of jewellery by Yona. Some of Orryelle's work can be seen @ hir online Esoterotica Gallery

Prints of most of these and some new recent originals will be exhibited at the 491 Gallery from the 18th-25th October, Orryelle's only London exhibition.

The Opening leads into a Metamorphic Ritual Theatre performance in collaboration with Puck of Edinburgh's Human Product involving the organic fusion of biological and cybernetic elements, an interweaving of different tools, cultures and subcultures culminating in a Body Arts and electric swordplay mythic spectacle. (Note: Oct 18th is also St.Luke's Day, the Patron Saint of both Artists and Surgeons)

This performance will introduce the Nagual Sound Experiment, who will continue to DJ throughout the night, often in conjunction with live Music and Poetry by John Constable, Inter Ferrence, Iggy Shark (beaming the Dionysian current directly from Greece), Michelle and Orryelle. Video projections will also feature.

While outside in the metal Geodesic Dome Mutation Parlour, Electric Bondage will be conducted by Orryelle and sex priestesses of the Bauwda supplied by Rockbitch, wielding whips and electrified feathers (this is our chill out/recharge zone!)... Also outside a spectacular fireshow by Sedek, Luna, Puck...

At some stage of the night Priestesses of the Bauwda and Orryelle of the Order of ChAOS will engage in the ritual creation of the Vinum Sabbati in Cerridwen's Cauldron, and the Wild Hunt begins...

Venue: 491 Gallery, 491 Grove Green Rd, Leytonstone.
(2 mins walk left of Central Line Leytonstone tube station).

Fri 18th OCT. 8-late. £10/£5

For more information and links to sites of participating artists and performers see

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