Student making fetish documentary

By Anonymous on Tue 19 Nov 2002 at 10:29

I'm currently in the last year of my BSc (Hons) degree Television Technology & Production at the University of Central England. My final year project will research fetishism from several angles such as fashion, culture and sex & power. The research will be presented in a 15 min documentary and I am currently in the situation whereby I am trying to commission this to several terrestrial and cable channels as a series of documentaries involving each issue in more detail.

However there are only so many texts books I can read and I really need primary research to support this project, which can only be provided by people who practice fetishism or organise events.

I really need people to share their experiences and tell me more about what they think fetishism is - not necessarly a book's definition.

This is a genuine request as I am thoroughly interested in this subject and sensitivity will take place at the highest order. I would really appreciate any assistance you could give me, thank you very much for your time and look forward to hearing from you all soon...

Kerry Sheen-Johnson
(LakeSide Studios)

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