BDSM_Manchester_UK and the Bull shit

By Nereus on Thu 7 Dec 2000 at 13:59

We see the rumour mongers are at work again, so I will post in here. We would really like to do it "Face to Face" unfortunately the people concerned don't seem to go to BDSM clubs and talk to me.

Now We have heard on the "Jungle Drums" that folk have been talking in #InformedConsent on IRC about some one being Banned from BDSM_Manchester_UK msn Community, but the TRUTH IS That they could not be bothered to post a picy profile etc etc. SO they were removed from the ACTIVE MEMBERS LIST by Tigerlady! To the best of my knowledge 3 persons are Banned, and it is none of the people who were pontificating in #informedconsent.

BDSM_Manchester_UK Community has 5 simple rules to join - We require :

A NickName
A Profile,
A Vanilla Picture,
A Current Email address,
Active participation within the Community.

The first four rules must be complied with, within 30 days. If they are not, then the nick name is removed from the active members list, and the person has to reapply. They are then given 7 days to comply and post.

Now if for instance if you are the President of the USA or some other most important job, and have your finger on the Nuclear Trigger, you may not wish your picture on the Community pages. We completely understand! What we do is keep your pictures on a zip drive, so they are not on the web (note: a recent hacking attempt on my system did fail, and has been reported to their ISP despite their IP spoofing - next time I'll post your details on usenet).

So if any one has any futher questions do please come to BDSM_Manchester_UK msn Community or a Manager of " BDSM2UK " or email any of the addresses below.

We dont want to have any more unfortunate incidences of "Chinese Whispers" in an IRC chat channels. We are trying to do some thing in REAL LIFE not in a cyber life.

Be well - Keep the Faith

Nereus{TL} -
TigerLady -
Lord-James -

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