We need performers!

By Anonymous on Thu 12 Dec 2002 at 16:45

We are launching a variety of weekday club nights along the Silicon corridor (M4) from Febuary next year. Buzz words for these nights could be alternative, extreme fashion, fetish, cyberpunk, neo-gothic, industrial, cosplay, anime, rock, skate punk, caberet, burleques.

Some nights will be more extreme than others but we aim to provide an interactive enviroment. The sort of skills and people we're looking for are: DJs, performers / models, performers with their own acts, installation artists, freaks, illustration artists, sound techies, lighting techies, musicians, street performers (stilts / fire breathers etc), dancers (all styles) ... and anything else that sounds like a good idea.

If you think you can help us then please email us on:

Jack and Seraphim

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