Fetish scene research - please help

By deborahsresearch on Thu 24 Apr 2003 at 00:45

I got involved in the fetish scene some five years ago via my boyfriend. I find it fascinating and populated by diverse, open, usually friendly and occasionally sexy people.

I am looking for people to contribute to my research by filling in a questionaire. Don't worry it is confidential.

My research will contribute towards my studies at university. It aims to examine the roots, determinants and characteristics of the UK fetish scene. The questionnaire is designed, in part, to discover how people became involved in the scene, what it means to them and how this community survives and communicates. What kind of people are we that get drawn into it.

The questionnaire is confidential. My questionairre can be accessed at:

Alternatively I can forward you a copy if you mail me at:


Many many thanks

Deborah xx

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