Bristol Fetish Emporium: New Owners, New Name!

By MsDemmie on Wed 12 Nov 2003 at 10:25

As of 10/11/2003 the BFE has been purchased from the previous owner by a community alliance headed by Mistressclp aka MistressAnita and including MsDemmie, ghost, Jazzie and MistressFox, Dave and other scene people.

It will now be known as SWAMP - South West Alternate Market and Party. It is our intention to develop the current market and party, by attracting more traders, more workshops, more information and more FUN.

It will be held in same place (Vibes), same Sunday (2nd of the month) at the same time (12 noon), with the usual aftermarket party to follow. The party is also known as SWAMP - South West After Market Party - so 'going to the SWAMP' will take on a new meaning.

We will be setting up a yahoo group for announcements , questions feedbacks and suggestions for workshops. The URL will be announced here as soon as it is ready.

Until then we can be contacted at

We would like to take this opportunity of thanking you all for your past support and look forward to seeing you all on December 14th for our first event.

So 'Farewell to the BFE' and welcome to SWAMP. Everything must change and adapt, and that is exactly what we are attempting to do.


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