Nightshade is back at The Commplex

By nightshade on Thu 6 May 2004 at 09:46

Nightshade in Edinburgh is back at The Commplex again this month. Feedback after the last month's event in there has said it to be an excellent venue. They have agreed to have us back for a second night and we're on again on May 15th, starting at 20.30 on Saturday and going on til 2.00 Sunday. No entry after 11.30pm and the dungeon will close at 1.30am to allow us time to dismantle everything. You are welcome to stay and chat and drink until the bar closes at 2am. We have a dress code, fairly strict, but not insurmountable. Fetish or theme. The theme is for those who wish to come along in something other than fetish wear and we expect people to make a bit of an effort rather than spend a fortune. This month's theme is Fairy Tales and please do this rather than wearing all black as that doesn't work for us. No jeans.
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