Survey re personal ads

By fuschia on Fri 19 Jan 2001 at 20:18

I am writing an article for the London Fetish Scene site about the use of personal ads, how do people meet BDSM partners etc.

I would like to include some information drawn from a wider survey. I have set up a survey at egroups and have had quite a few responses. To add your views go here.

The findings so far are very interesting. Most of the people who've replied have met people through personal ads. About half of those with current kinky partners met them through personal ads. Yet hardly anybody thinks ads are the best way! People seem to think (and this is also my personal view) that mechanisms such as internet chat and real-life meetings are the most productive way.

As well as entries to the poll, I would welcome feedback from anybody with an interesting tale to tell about how they met. And bad experiences ... or funny ones... too!

Not to mention comments about what makes an 'effective' ad in your view!!


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