Transformations (TV shop)

By Fiona on Sun 17 Sep 2000 at 22:57

Transformations is a specialist shop for transvestites, located near Euston Station in London (turn left out of the top left exit of the station and head down the road about 200 yards). They also have a store in Birmingham and I think one in Manchester too. I have been to the Euston store several times and the one in Birmingham once, and everything below applies to both stores.

Transformations sell generally very good quality stuff, including wigs, shoes, lingerie and other clothing including a good selection of foundation garments to help you achieve the desired shape, an extensive range of make-up and even topical adult magazines.

One downside of the shop is that you will often pay more for a given item than you might elsewhere. To give an idea, wigs are usually around £20 more than other places and a corset I bought there was £100 whereas similar items elsewhere are priced between £60 and £70. However, it must be remembered that it is unfair to compare prices between a shop and a mail-order company, as with everything I have bought at Transformations, I have tried it (and usually several alternatives) on and know for a fact that the item fits and looks good on me. Anyone who has made mail order purchases of clothing and other items for TVs will be aware that this level of satisfaction is hard to achieve by mail order (in particular, read my last review, of a place called 'Altered Images' - a tale of just how wrong it can go).

The staff are very helpful and friendly. You can spend as long as you like looking at items and trying them on, and in between offering help and advice, the staff will regularly offer you tea or coffee to drink.

The shop also offers a dressing servive, where they will outfit you in a complete ensemble, and once your new look is complete, you can get photos taken to remember the experience by. I haven't personally tried this service out, but I have seen the photos of those who have and they look very happy! Another related service they also offer is a storage facility, so you can store your purchases at the shop if you would rather not have them in your own house.

To summarise, I have been more than happy every time I have visited their stores, and I will certainly do so again. Not only is a succesful shopping trip, but it also makes a good day out!

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