London_Based May Munch

By Anonymous on Thu 10 May 2001 at 22:44

Well the London_Based BDSM Room/Community had their last munch in a new venue and were a little nervous if this change of venue would change the attendance which had been averaging around about 50 or so people. The time came and MRK the munch organizer started to do his "thing" which for those of you that have never been lucky (or unlucky) enough to view it is a little like a party host on speed.

^mythy^ per norm was her quiet and shy self (ok,ok so she was making tornadoes look gentle). The new pub was already fairly full but slowly ^mythy^ took over table after table for the munch crowd till all were seated. By 7:30pm we had over 45 peeps and the munch went on to 9:00 and the count was lost somewhere past 50. After the munch a good number of the group went on to Gwendolines via the tube's which in itself was a sight to see and participate in.

Once we got to Gwendolines a special event took place. One of the regulars evil_cherub got her first ever spanking and I do mean VERY FIRST never in her life had a hand or anything else been laid on the dear girl. One of the other "regulars" did the honors and now e_c describes herself as an almost painslut.

Well thats was April's munch and NOW we are about to have our MAY Munch which will be held at the same pub O'Neils on Shaftsbury Ave. Anyone wanting information can contact mythy or MRK at Everyone is welcome to come. We do ask 3 things though 1: No Cameras 2: The pub is vanilla so please come dressed appropriately 3: Come to have fun not to play games.

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