Our first Fetish Party

By mr_e_in_the_sw on Thu 20 Feb 2003 at 12:13

Wow - Still buzzing nearly a week later. I'd like to say a big thankyou to Westward Bound for our first 'Late-x' party last Saturday. What an event! Despite us both being pretty outgoing types (!?) we were not sure if we'd enjoy it - however 4 hours later we knew we had found what we wanted.

To all those at the party we had the pleasure of chatting to - the guy that decide to ensure my partner REALLY enjoyed herself LOL and those that explained to us newbies exacltly how you stick that in there/shop you got it from/how you made it/what it did for you, thanks a million. If everyone could see what a community spirt and friendly bunch you all are we'd all be wearing our special outfits on the bus!

Thanks again!


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