Royals and RebelsNews

When? Bank holiday Sunday May 5th, 10pm 'til late. Where? The Fringe, Vauxhall. Why? It's's second birthday, and the Silver Jubilee of punk!

Yes, it's 25 years since God Save the Queen, safety pin chic and tabloid outrage at tits-out Siouxsie and swearing on teatime telly.

Who? At just two years old, puking and mewling cyber toddler London Fetish is proud to carry on the punk attitude in the 21st century.

What? Come join us on bank holiday Sunday for a right royal Jubilee knees-up and celebration of all things punk and fetish - with a few pervelicious birthday treats thrown in. Live music, djs, special cabaret featuring Empress Stah and birthday surprises. SM dungeon for players.

Strict fetish dress code

Royals: prancing ponies, corgis, ermine, jewels, crowns, pearly kings and queens, tiaras, the colour purple, cloaks, brocade, powdered wigs, men in tights, bad teeth. (think Elton John's 50th birthday bash)

Rebels: sneers, vacant stares, safety pins, fishnets, bondage pants, leather jackets, men in tutus, ripped skirts, eyeliner, chains and zips with attitude. (think The Filth and the Fury)

£15 in advance, more on the door (if available).

Available from Breathless,Regulation, Paradiso, House of Harlot, Fettered Pleasures or from LondonFetishScene crew at the London Fetish Fair. Enquiries and bookings from

More info: Call our info line 07905 742202 or check out the latest at

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