The UK Fetish Info website exists to provide an interactive resource for the UK fetish community, with news, reviews, events info and more.
All of the articles on the site are written by the people who read the site - anyone can submit an article as long as it is of interest to the UK fetish community. You can add your own comments to any of the articles on the site, letting other readers know what you think.
Suggestions / Feedback
If there is something you would like to see on the site and it's not already here, let us know and we'll either provide it, or (if that's not possible) we'll tell you why we can't or won't provide it.
In November 2002, UK Fetish Info was the winer of the Disability Friendliness category at the 9th Erotic Awards. This is because the site works well with screen reading software for sight-impaired Internet users, as well as having some features intended to aid the motion-impaired navigate the site more easily.
In April 2003 we won the Passion Online Sexiest Community Site Award.

You can click here to view site statistics such as how many registered users the site has and how many articles have been posted. You can also view our server statistics for info on things like how many hits a day this site gets.
The ukfetish.info website complies with the following Internet standards:
That means it should work properly in any standards compliant web browser, as well as hopefully making it easier to use for blind and motion-impaired people.
The Web Standards Project has more information on why standards are important. The 'Any Browser' campaign site is also worth looking at.

This site runs on the Linux operating system and the Apache webserver, for reliability and security. The code that produces the site is written in Perl and uses a MySQL database back-end.

All of the above are Free Software. Our own code is also Free Software, covered by the GPL license. The code is called YAWNS, and if you want you can download it and use it for your own projects.