Can anyone help?Request

We live near Coventry and are seeking the shop 'Forbidden Planet' listed in the latest Marquis magazine as a place to buy it. Does anyone know where this shop is or can offer their telephone number.

We also saw an article somewhere of a website directory where you can input a fetish orientated word to receive information on it. Unfortunately we cannot remember where we saw it, typically, as we were going to use it as a sorce to find the above. Contact:

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Forbidden Planet#1

FP is a comic shop, but has always been mildly involved in various other 'alternative' scenes, including the rock scene and body mods among other things... they have a website, which you can find here:

The location of the Coventry shop can be found towards the centre of this page:


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Which doesn't make anything I say any more likely to make sense.

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I tried to email you, but got a bounce message back... you might want to double-check your email address, unless it was just hotmail being weird again :)

By the way, I'd recommend for a large listing of UK BDSM resources, although I'm not sure how searchable it is - well laid out though, so finding what you're looking for shouldn't be too difficult!


I'm one of the admins here on
Which doesn't make anything I say any more likely to make sense.

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Re: Can anyone help?#3

Happy to help

fencing green bay

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