someone like me. Weblog

Howdy , i'm looking for a female who is into one-to-one fetishes , rather than being a member of a club or group where other people are involved ( like swingers for example.) I prefer to indulge my fetishes within the confines of proper loving relationship, tho i must admit, this probably isnt that easy to find, so would settle for a 'no strings' indulgence. For myself, i'm into the (perhaps bizarre ?), world of worn female knickers and tights combined with some BDSM.
I've very little experience, mainly because BDSM is not the main part of it. Previous (long term ) partners have not indulged this side, or the underwear side either. Well, not to the extent that i need anyway. I am content with nothing more than regular bondage, ( hands/wrists/bed ) and a leather belt, rather than full blown dungeon / rubber suits / masks / complicated chains / etc. Watersports, at least in my direction, would figure high up tho.
I've had this 'kink' since i was 14, and its not really been satisfied to any extent, apart from purchases on the net, which can be fraught with ripoffs, or worse.
Can anyone help? Am i in the right place even ?

Kind regards