Saturday's event Weblog

As this is our second night in this venue we are hoping things will run even more smoothly than they did last month. It's superb, and although we haven't been to all the others, we reckon it is probably one the best Fetish venues in the country. It's a converted church and on two levels.

Downstairs is the main play area with seating in the form of little booths all around the walls, where you can talk intimately without being overheard. The main bar area is here too.

Upstairs is more sociable comfy seating, with sofas arranged around low tables and a couple of largish corner booths which we utilised for a couple of pieces of equipment last time. There is the possibility of closing these by hanging a curtain over the doorway, but we feel they are semi private already and don't want to encourage any kind of behavioiur which might see us thrown out!

The feedback after the April event is that everyone loved it, and we hope to see more of you coming along to form your own impressions of it. It would be a shame to miss out if for some reason we don't get back again!

We had a couple of complaints about the volume of the music, but we know how to fix this now. And we know how to alter the ventilation so we'll not be making you all sleepy and too lazy to play, like last time!