Seeking information on rubber outfitsRequest

I am currently trying to hunt out facts on fetish gear for a BBC Choice series on 25 to 34 year olds, the series will be a candid look at many different lifestyles in this demographic. For instance, do you know how much is spent in UK per year on rubber bondage outfits?

Does it tend to be women or men that buy more? And finally, what's the most expensive rubber outfit on the market at the moment? Any leads or information would be greatly appreciated!

I can be contacted on / 020 7428 1560

Thanks again.
Julia Jarvis

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<<< Torture Garden Brighton, 31st August

Furnace, London - 31st August >>>
So, what is the fee?#1


I will be happy to appear on your programme. The going rate for a 60 minute BBC Choice documentary is well over 60,000 UK pounds - lucky you do not have the enormous budgets of BBCs 1 & 2 - so I look forward to you paying the going rate for appearances on such shows - i.e. a single fee for one tranmission plus a single repeat and then subsequent repeat fees.

If you are willing to pay the market rate I am sure I can find many fetish people who will be interested in taking part.

Of course, if you are merely trying to exploit fetish people in order to get a cheap programme whilst promoting your own career then I imagine only the foolish or the very vain would appear on your programme.

I am fed up with journalists, would-be TV programme makers lurking in these forums trying to get articles and programmes on the cheap! You get paid for your work, you pay others for appearances but no mention ever gets made of how much you are willing to pay fetish people and, gee, every single one of you thinks you are the first to come up with an idea on making a programme about the fetish community!

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Share the money around#2

The fees sound good to me, as my anonymous fellow perv has stated 60000 GBP per person.

Out of curriousity, will you wear 'fetish play wear'?
have you had nipple clamps applied to you?
do you know how to whealed a whip, so that it tantises, and not hurts?
we do these things because we are open with ourselves and our sexualities, are you and your collegues?

come back when your a perv like the rest of us not just a journalist trying to make a fast buck (even if it for the BBC)

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Nah, I meant a BBC Choice programme has about 60,000 GBP to make it and BBC 1 and 2 budgets are much higher but...

...part of that should be an appearance and repeat performance fees. They try to get away with saying it is a Vox Pop and thinking you will be grateful for getting a cheque for £25 in the post 2 or 3 weeks later...

Often they want to use your electricity if filming at your property... and the crew always want tea and biscuits so, if you are not careful, you end up out of pocket, they get a 'free' programme and get paid lots of dosh, laugh at the 'pervs' behind your back and then progress their careers...

All fetish people appearing in such programmes should demand full performance and repeat fees - negotiated in advance with a signed contract. After all, they expect us to dress in costume and act and, knowing how militant Equity is, they go nuts if one of their people does a Vox Pop for free let alone strutting around in Domme gear weilding a whip for a 60 minute programme... so fetish people should demand the same rates as performers!

One last point, these programmes often get sold around the World now or bundled with other programmes in packages sold to other networks... These programmes can be sold for lots of money or, more often than not, they can be sold quite cheaply but, as they are sold to so many countries, then the sum quickly adds up and, often, the TV Channels make their money back on such programmes... Of course, for years afterwards you will be appearing all over the World for next to nothing whereas, as in the case of Equity performers again, they get repeat fees from all those programmes shown all around the World...

The same is true for magazine articles - a journalist should pay you for 'appearing' in such an article and, equally as importantly, give you a contract agreeing part of whatever the article is sold for around the World.

A friend only needs to get one or two articles syndicated annually to make a very good living indeed and, guess what, the articles that do go global nearly always involve sex!

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you guys want some salt and vinegar to go with those chips ?

sure - i see your point about being 'exploited' - but is it a good thing to jump on the greed bandwagon? - or do we only do something if we're paid for it ?

I quite understand you have no obligation to make this world a better place - but please try not to make it any worse.

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Tell you what - get the people at the Beeb to do their job for free... better still, get them to appear in a programme about their fav 'hobby' for free...

Asking for a fair fee has nothing to do with making the World any better or worse than it is now... It has alot, however, to do with stopping the Media exploiting people in the Scene whilst furthering their own careers, ambitions, etc...

Not only do these people want titilation TV to get their ratings up but they also want it for nothing!!!!

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